Creative Rest | Recovery Retreats

A personalized retreat experience designed exclusively for you.

Welcome to Creative Rest, a retreat designed to help you recover your soul.

As women, our lives are often filled with demands to hurry and hold more than we can bear. The deepest, truest parts of who we are can get buried or hidden beneath unprocessed grief, fatigue, loss, confusion, or unmet longings. Maybe you’ve noticed yourself yearning for a moment to catch your breath, to get close to beauty, to be still enough to relearn the Voice of Love, to be deeply heard and witnessed.

That’s why I am offering Creative Rest, a personalized retreat experience designed exclusively for you, located in Chattanooga, TN.


For many years, rest felt like a fantasy to me. I had survived an intense season of relational, vocational, and spiritual trauma and I moved on quickly hoping I could outrun the pain and deep fatigue I experienced daily. I would attempt to share bits and pieces of my story with anyone who appeared to care, but most people pushed me away with advice or belittling the harm or grief I would share. Nor could I figure out how to actually rest because my body had learned the language of hypervigilance. I remember longing for a safe, beautiful place to recover and be heard.

It was small acts of creativity and a few attuned, wise listeners who helped saved my life — and my connection with a loving God. I’ve spent the last five years surrendering my life to the work and art of listening. And I finally designed and built my own safe space, a little cocoon of rest, beauty, and peace.

Now, it is my joy to offer my space to other women in need of a little care.


Nestled in the serene sanctuary of my intimate backyard art studio, Creative Rest is a personal day retreat designed just for you. Step away from the noise of life and enter a sacred time of rest and play and listening. Let me guide you into what feels gentle and easy on your soul, which could be an art journaling practice, or taking a long bath in the soaking tub, or sitting quietly in the garden or greenhouse. This time is just for you, and I’m here to help you enter creative rest.

During your time at Creative Rest, you'll enjoy:

  • Soul Tending Sessions: Spend 60-90 minutes in gentle, explorative sessions with me, dedicated to nurturing what’s true about you and your current season and guiding you through listening practices that promote connection to your story and where God feels close.

  • Spacious Hours for Reflection: Delight in ample time to journal, meditate, or simply wander through our peaceful garden, allowing nature to inspire and soothe your spirit. I even have a private bathtub in the studio if you want to take a long, relaxing soak. The studio has ample soft seating for rest and reading.

  • Contemplative Creative Practice: Engage your creativity with beautiful materials provided for contemplative art practice. It might be art journaling, a prayer collage, or something else we can plan out together. The goal is for it to feel playful and engaging, so let’s discuss what might feel accessible and enjoyable for you in this season.


  • Personalized Attention: These retreats are just for you to ensure personalized attention and a sense of intimacy, safety, and calm.

  • Professional Guidance: I am experienced in guiding women through processes of self-reflection and creative expression, providing a safe and supportive environment for however you find yourself entering this time.

  • Beautiful Surroundings: Escape the noise and chaos of everyday life as you immerse yourself in the tranquil beauty of our backyard art studio and garden oasis.


It’s so easy for us to postpone our own care. Let me encourage you to reach out today! Treat yourself to the gift of Creative Rest: Recovery Retreat and experience the transformative power of soul-care and creativity. Spaces are limited, so book your mini-retreat now and take the first step towards rejuvenation and renewal. Know that you are supported on your path and that the seeds of transformation planted during your time here will continue to blossom in the days and months to come.

For inquiries and bookings, please contact me using the form below or email me at


Retreats are usually booked for a minimum of four hours, or can last up to eight hours (8am-4pm, for example).

A four hour retreat including 2 hours of spiritual direction/soul tending, all creative materials, a nourishing lunch, coffee/tea, access to the greenhouse and garden, access to private bathroom/tub, all within our quiet, detached backyard studio, starts at $375. You can add up to four additional hours of retreat time for $35 an hour.

Let’s design a creative rest retreat for you.

Please fill out the form below to start the process:

“The human soul doesn’t want to be advised or fixed or saved. It simply wants to be witnessed — to be seen, heard and companioned exactly as it is.”

— Parker Palmer