Soul Tending Circle: Learning to Listen to Our Lives through Group Spiritual Direction

An expansive and creative three month journey into the sacred art of listening for the holy in our lives. These twice-a-month gatherings will help cultivate our awareness of God’s movements and invitations in our mundane or overcrowded lives. Together we will pay attention to the nearness of beauty, the availability of rest, and whispers of God’s love + wisdom. We will also learn to grow and appreciate the gift of silence and stillness. There will be a simple practice or reading offered each week to help open our eyes to the nearness of God. Our gatherings will focus on deeply listening to ourselves, one another, and God — a place to be witnessed and heard without fear of judgement.

This group is for women who are:

  • Longing for life to feel less like a blur

  • Willing to set aside old ways of engaging with yourself and others

  • Desiring to cultivate a listening life

  • In a season of fatigue, discernment, or longing for deeper friendship with God

  • Longing for a community that doesn’t try to fix, correct, or rush the noticings you have about your life

Kaysie Strickland will be the conversation guide. She is a trained spiritual director and facilitator of story and soul engagement. She believes in the sacred art of listening and how life-changing it can be to feel deeply heard, especially within a group. She creates a healing, curious space that allows for deeper exploration and rest.

What the Soul Tending Circle includes:

  • Half-day retreat at Kaysie’s intimate backyard art studio/garden

  • Five 2-hour gatherings that meet twice a month

  • A weekly prompt/practice that opens an area of exploration

  • A compassionate community of women who are all learning to listen

  • A trained conversation guide that is experienced in cultivating safe and transformational group dynamics 

Interested in joining a Soul Tending Circle?


The Soul Tending Circle is a 3-month soul-care experience that begins with a half-day retreat at Kaysie’s intimate backyard art studio and garden. After the retreat, the 2 hour group sessions will occur every two weeks at Kaysie’s studio in Chattanooga, TN.

Cost for the Soul Tending Circle is $450.

Monthly payment plans are available. Please reach out to Kaysie to discuss.

Welcoming Day Retreat — Saturday, March 2nd, 9:30am-1:30pm
Soul Tending Circles: Thursday Nights, 6:30pm-8:30pm, 3/7, 3/21, 4/4, 4/18, 5/2